Game Request List
Greetings to my wonderful viewers of my content. I would like to welcome you to the request sections of the project. I like to listen to my viewers as to what they would like to see on the channel. Feel free to request a game you would like to see play, or perhaps a game you would like me to do a review on. To do so, simply find me on my twitch channel and make the request in the chat during a live stream. Current Requests and Order 1. Super Mario RPG 2. Legend of Zelda Randomizer 3. Wave Race 64 4. Dark Castle 5. Banana Prince Please note that I have a very limited time that I am able to stream, and these are done when I am able to actually have the time to do them. Some of these projects are in the double digits of hours of online time. I reserve to right the modify and/or cancel projects at my discretion. I will do my best to accommodate all requests.